We grow all different type of peppers from sweet, hot, purple, jalapeno, ancho, ornamental and more. So if you want to grow fresh peppers for your garden, come visit our greenhouse. Peppers are also great to grow in pots, so if you have limited area, you can still grow a pepper in a confined space or deck. Just plant in a sunny and warm area.
Plant produces high yields of 4 ½” long by 4 ½” wide sweet bell peppers. Peppers turn from green to yellow when mature, but can be used when green. The flesh is thick and sweet. Perfect for salads, frying, grilling, roasting, and stuffing. |
Anaheim Chili
A mildly hot very flavorful pepper that is great for roasting, stuffing, or frying is Anaheim Chili. The peppers turn from green to red, and produce very large 5″-8″ chili peppers. |
The fruits are very large, avg. 5″ x 3″, and are typically two-lobed which makes them easy to stuff and cook in their signature dish, chile rellenos. Baron has proven to produce better than other anchos under challenging and favorable conditions. |
Big Bertha
Huge peppers are 6 to 7 inches long by 4 inches wide, 3 to 4 lobed with thick, meaty walls. Harvest when glossy green or after they have turned deep bright red. The productive plants are 25 to 30 inches tall. |
California Wonder
The standard bell pepper for many decades, this 1928 introduction is still the largest open-pollinated, heirloom bell you can grow. A perfect stuffing pepper-blocky 4″ x 3 1/2″, thick-walled, tender and flavorful. |
Cayenne Large Thick
A very hot Cayenne type pepper that have medium thick walls. Cayenne are great for sauces or drying, if you like a nice hot pepper. |
A sweet mild pepper that turns from yellow-green to red, Cubanelle is very popular in Spanish and Italian dishes. With it’s thin walls, frying and cooking is very quick and the flavor is appealing. |
Giant Marconi
A heavy producer of beautiful, long (8″) very sweet peppers with excellent flavor that only intensifies when allowed to mature to red. Giant Marconi are great grilled, roasted or fried and is one of our best sellers. |
Bright orange fruits. Thick, juicy walls and fruity sweet flavor. Medium-large, very blocky bells are easy to grow under a wide variety of conditions. Strong compact plants set plentiful fruits without crowding. |
Gourmet Pepper
Brilliant, orange fruits are packed with melt-in-your mouth sweetness. Compact plants exceed expectations, producing prolific yields of blocky, 3″ to 5″ fruits with thick walls and crisp flesh that holds its tender texture through maturity. |
If your looking for a sweet pepper to put in a salad or a great frying pepper, then look no further than Gypsy. Gypsy are thin skinned and have a very sweet taste. |
A small plant and a small orange pepper hide an extremely hot pepper. If you can handle the heat, then you will enjoy the delicious pungent and smoky flavor that makes Habanero peppers an excellent choice for sauces or very hot salsa. |
Hot Fajita
Spicy hot peppers on a short plant make Hot Fajita fun to grow. With a height or 10-12″, they grow well in a smaller pot or in the garden. |
Hungarian Wax
A heirloom variety that has stood the test of time, Hungarian Hot Wax are a hot banana pepper. Hungarian Wax are medium to very hot, that start yellow and turn red. Great for pickling, canning or stuffing |
A much improved version of a Hot Banana pepper that are 8″ long, with a hot heat, and medium-thick flesh. Inferno are not as hot as they sound, and are amazing producers of beautiful, large Hungarian hot wax type peppers. |
Dark green, with a nice heat, Jalapeno’s are synonymous with Mexican dishes. Fruits are approximately 3″ go great cut up on Nacho’s and are approximately 2500-10,000 Scoville units. |
Joe’s Pepper
An extra large hot flavorful wax pepper brought over from Europe. A customer of Schweikert Greenhouse, named Joe, had a friend in the steel mill that brought the seeds for a very large hot banana pepper over from Europe in the 1950s. For 20+ years Joe would bring his pepper seeds, and we would start them and trade for plants. Joe’s pepper quickly became a popular pepper at our greenhouse. Joe passed away in April of 2004, but his son keep the tradition alive until his passing in September 2008. Joe’s granddaughter has assumed the torch and every year saves her grandfathers seeds, so we can start them again. |
Keystone Giant
If your looking for a big stuffing pepper, then Keystone Giant is your pepper. Keystone Giant has thick walls and 4.5″ peppers and a good producer. |
Lady Bell
A sweet bell pepper with medium thick walls that really produces. Lady Bell is a great bell pepper for stuffing and are approximately 4″ x 3.5″ that turn from green to red. |
Medusa Pepper
Narrow, twisted, snake-like peppers named for Medusa’s mythological hair! Compact, well-branched plants produce huge yields of 2 to 2 1/2″ pointed peppers held prominently upright over dark green foliage. Plants, 6 to 8″ typically display 40 to 50 mildly pungent fruits at the same time, covering a wide color spectrum ranging from ivory to yellow, orange and bright red.
Poblano or Ancho chili when dried is a very popular hot pepper grown in Mexico. For maximum heat wait for green peppers to fully ripen to red before picking that 4″ heart shaped fruit. |
Purple Beauty
A really good looking, purple sweet bell pepper on compact and bushy plants. With a crispy texture and a sweet flavor and nice color, Purple Beauty is a fun pepper to grow. |
Pretty N Sweet
Sweet, multicolored peppers on compact, 18″ plants are attractive enough to use in ornamental gardens and containers. Prolific producer, thick walls, and a sweet taste make Pretty N Sweet a fun pepper to grow. |
Red Knight
Get a jump on the season with a large, early, green-to-red pepper. Big, blocky, thick-walled bell pepper turns red early. Fruity and sweet. |
Serrano Tampiqueno
Attractive fruits are club shaped, smooth, about 1-1/2″, with medium thick flesh. Peppers change from green to bright red and are very hot at both stages. Excellent for drying, pickling, salsas, sauces, stews and much more. |
Shishito are a great frying that has a rich flavor and are mild. The thin walls make a nice char when roasted or grilled and the plant is a heavy producer of peppers. |
Snackabelle red
red mini-bell, thick wall, rich flavor, strong disease resistance, perfect for large patio pot, 70 days |
Vigorous plants yield high quality yellow fruit with sweet, crunchy walls. Fruits measure 1¼”W x 3”L at the crown, tapering to a blunt point. |
Super Chili
A small plant with small 2.5″ very hot peppers make Super Chili’s a fun plant to grow. Easily grow in a pot on your porch or in the ground that Super Chili’s not only look great, but they taste great. |
Sweet Banana
A sweet banana shaped pepper that is a very prolific producer. Excellent for frying, picking, or pepper rings when you want that pepper taste without the heat. |
The sweetest small peppers, that produce vigorously are the Sweety Pepper. The peppers are 4″ x 1.25 and have thin crunchy walls. |
Thai Hot
Oriental, Slim dark green ripens red, small 2-3″ long, very hot, upright fruits cover plant, compact plant, 70 days |