by Andy
on February 25, 2020
If you want a beautiful vine that will climb up a trellis, pole, or fence, then consider a clematis. With large, intricate flowers and vibrant colors, they are a great choice for your garden. Clematis prefer a location with 5-6 hours of sunlight with a bit of shading on the roots. Most gardeners like to plant annuals around the base, or use mulch to help keep the roots cool. We will have the varieties below when we open in late April.
 Blue Angel
The pale lavender blue flowers have delicate crinkly edges and recurve slightly. Anthers are creamy yellow. Very free flowering and holds well as a cut flower. Blooms June-August.
 An exceptional late, free flowering plant. Raised from clematis Comtesse de Bouchaud and retaining its parent’s ability to flower well over a long period. The cerise colored flowers, approximately 4″ in size, have pointed petals with a dark border and contrasting yellow anthers. Blooms late June-September. |
 A magnificent, very free flowering Polish introduction with large 6-8″ glowing crimson flowers, each highlighted by a central cluster of dark anthers. A very vigorous Clematis. Blooms July-September. |
 Rosette shaped double white flowers with yellow anthers. Blooms May, June and September. |
 Medium size (4-5″) white flowers with yellow anthers. Very vigorous grower. Our best repeat white blooming Clematis. |
 The most profuse blooming dark purple Clematis. June, July and September blooming. |
 Wedgewood blue 5″ diameter flowers with contrasting greenish yellow anthers. Raised by Jackmans in the early 1900s. A very good plant, free flowering over a long period. This compact clematis grows to a height of 6-7′ and blooms June through August. |
 Round pure white flowers with dark showy anthers. Very free flowering plant. |
 Very large true blue prolific blooming Clematis. Blooms May, June and September. |
 Very dark magenta-red pointed petals with gold anthers. Blooms June, August and September. A true red! |
 Very free flowering clematis with stunning dark red flowers and dark red anthers. Flowers are 5″ in size. Grows to 3-5′. Blooms June-August & September. |
 An Evison/Poulsen cultivar with very large flowers that are stunningly bright red (almost scarlet) with creamy yellow anthers. It is exceptionally free-flowering. Blooms May-June and August. |
 Deep purple with purple anthers. Continuous bloomer and does not fade in the sun. Large 7-8″ flowers bloom June-September. |
 Very rich purple-blue 3-4″ open flowers. Outstanding cultivar raised by Brother Stefan Franczak in Poland. Flowers profusely and suitable as a cut flower. |
 True blue with large overlapping petals and gold anthers. June through September blooming.
We are a family owned greenhouse in Economy Borough, which is about 8 minutes from Cranberry, 15 minutes from Wexford, and about 25 minutes from Sewickley or Beaver. We have a wide variety of flowers, hanging baskets, perennials, herbs, vegetable plants, succulents, and much more.
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