
Mandevilla and Dipladenia are tropical flowers that bloom all summer through fall with amazing foliage and prolific flowering. Mandevillas and Dipladena are extremely drought tolerant and just love full sun all day long, so they are very easy to take [...]

Begonias have been a garden favorite for years, but with the recent introductions of Hiemalis and solenia begonias are large beautiful flowers. The solenia and Hiemalis begonias have similar flowers to the nonstop begonias without the powdery mildew and the [...]

Lantana plants are a trouble-free choice even for hot, dry gardens. They bloom throughout summer, come in many colors, and attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Grow lantana flowers in pots or landscape beds. It is hard to beat Lantana when it [...]

Add tons of color to your spring garden with osteospermum. Occasionally called cape daisy, osteospermum develops quantities of daisy-like flowers in a wide variety of colors including pink, purple, and white. Both single and double-flowered varieties of this sun-loving annual [...]

Coleus comes in an array of foliage colors, including red, pink, orange, yellow, chartreuse, green, burgundy and purple. Leaves 1-6” long can be pointed, oval or scalloped, many with intricate veining or patterns. Coleus flower in late summer, with blue [...]

Calibrachoa, also known as million bells, is one of the most popular plants for growing outdoors in containers, baskets, or in the garden. Calibrachoa comes in a rainbow of colors, in solids and two-tones, stripes, patterns, and stunning double blooms. [...]

Perennials are an excellent to have flowers and foliage that come back year after year. We carry many different varieties of perennials at Schweikert Greenhouse, to make your landscape really shine. .wp-caption .wp-caption-text { text-align: center; font-weight:bold; } A superb [...]

Extra large and bright flowers make dahlias an excellent choice to beautify your home. Dahlias are easy to grow, love the sun, and form big bold flowers and plants. The variety of colors make dahlias a great choice for large [...]

We grow all different type of peppers from sweet, hot, purple, jalapeno, ancho, ornamental and more. So, if you want to grow fresh peppers for your garden, come visit our greenhouse. Peppers are also great to grow in pots, so [...]

We have a wide variety of tomatoes this year including: sandwich, heirloom, cherry, grape, plum, yellow pear, and even purple. Everyone loves a fresh tomato and there is nothing fresher than picking one from your own garden. th { border: [...]
